We invite you to support the International Society of Auricular Reconstruction Congress (ISAR 2024) which will be held in Toronto from 11-13 April 2024.
This will be our first in-person Congress since 2017, after the 2019 was postponed due to the pandemic, therefore we expect that colleagues auricular reconstruction field will welcome the opportunity to once again meet in-person, as we know from experience that nothing compares to being in the same room with colleagues old and new.
In-depth lectures will be delivered in this event in the most exciting fields, such as auricular and hearing reconstruction, congenital and required ear deformities, complications, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Further information on the programme will be published very soon
If your company is interested in auricular reconstruction, the Congress provides a unique marketing opportunity. We are confident that your involvement as a sponsor in this international forum will provide your company with exceptional business rewards.
We are offering several sponsorship opportunities to suit all budgets and marketing strategies
The prospectus is by no means limited by the options included and if you have alternative suggestions, please contact us and we will work with you to meet your company objectives
To receive the prospectus, please contact the ISAR 2024 congress secretariat, In Conference Ltd, at ISAR@in-conference.org.uk
Request Sponsorship Prospectus